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IAPS 2025:解锁未来动力系统,领航电气化新时代!

北极星电力会展网 来源:北极星电力会展网 2024-12-06 04:47:57


Event Date|会议时间:March 4th-5th, 2024 | 2025年3月4-5日

Event Address|会议地址:Shanghai China | 中国上海

Enent Scale|会议规模:450+

Organizer|主办方:BIMI-AUTO | 上海佰觅商务咨询有限公司

全球汽车动力领域的年度巅峰盛会——第十三届中国国际汽车动力系统峰会(IAPS 2025)现已火热启动!作为由上海佰觅商务咨询有限公司(BIMI-AUTO)主办的行业风向标活动,本次大会将汇聚450+全球动力系统专家,深入探索汽车电气化转型与新型动力系统研发的最新前沿,解锁未来科技的无限潜能!

在“引领电气化转型与新型动力系统研发”这一主题下,IAPS 2025将聚焦欧7排放标准、中国新一阶段排放与能耗政策及全球混动、电驱系统,动力电池等前沿技术,带您全方位了解行业未来的趋势与机遇。

IAPS 2025 The 13th International Automobile Propulsion Systems Summit , the annual flagship event in the global automotive Propulsion industry, is officially underway! Organized by BIMI-AUTO (Business Insights & Market Intelligence), this industry-defining event will gather over 450 Propulsion experts from around the world to explore the latest advancements in automotive electrification new Propulsion systems, unlocking the limitless potential of future technologies.

With the theme "Leading the Electrification Transformation the Development of New Propulsion Systems," IAPS 2025 will focus on the Euro 7 emissions stards, China's upcoming phase of emissions energy consumption policies, cutting-edge technologies including hybrid Propulsion, electric drive systems, power batteries, providing a comprehensive insight into the trends opportunities shaping the future of the industry.

为什么必须加入IAPS 2025?| Why Attend IAPS 2025?

l 洞察政策前沿,抢占行业先机

l 欧7排放标准及中国未来能耗法规对动力系统的深远影响剖析

l 本届大会将设置“1+N”的会议框架,包括1场主论坛、3场分论坛

l 汇聚行业精英,共话未来趋势

l 450+行业顶级专家齐聚一堂,从整车厂到供应商,打通技术与市场的无缝连接

l 深入探讨新能源转型中的关键技术挑战与解决方案

l 技术创新灵感,赋能产业变革

l 聚焦智能化、集成化、绿色化技术,探索可持续发展的无限可能

l Gain insights into cutting-edge policies seize industry opportunities

l Analyze the profound impact of the Euro 7 emissions stards China's future energy consumption regulations on Propulsion systems

l The conference will feature a "1+N" format, including a Main Forum, as well as three Sub-forums

l Engage with industry leaders discuss future trends

l 450+ top experts from the industry will gather, connecting vehicle manufacturers suppliers to bridge technology with market opportunities.

l In-depth discussions on the key technological challenges solutions in the transition to new energy

l Spark technological innovation to drive industry transformation

l Focus on smart, integrated, green technologies, exploring limitless possibilities for sustainable development

会议亮点抢先看| Event Highlights

l 前沿政策&趋势解读:


l 行业领袖巅峰对话

全球知名整车厂与Tier 1供应商现场分享,展示电气化转型的落地实践。

l 技术热点全覆盖


· Cutting-Edge Policy & Trend Insights:

A thorough analysis of the latest policies, regulations, global automotive companies' technological strategies, offering critical guidance for your strategic planning.

· Industry Leaders' Peak Dialogue:

Prominent global automakers Tier 1 suppliers will engage in on-site discussions, sharing practical experiences in the implementation of electrification transformations.

· Comprehensive Coverage of Technological Hotspots:

In-depth exploration of key topics such as hybrid systems, high-voltage electric drives, innovations in power batteries, sustainable development.



与会者分析 | Participants Analysis

此次峰会将汇聚全球整车厂、Tier 1供应商、研发专家及技术决策者,打造一个覆盖研发、制造、市场的全产业链高端交流平台,助力企业抢占市场高地!

We bring together global OEMs, Tier 1 suppliers, R&D experts, decision-makers, creating a high-level communication platform that spans the entire industry chain from R&D manufacturing to marketing, empowering companies to seize market leadership!



Most of the Participants Speak Highly of IAPS Summit series

“行业顶尖大会,内容干货满满,非常有参考价值!” —— 上汽集团创新研发总院

Good Topics leading the developing trends,Fruitful with valuable reference — SAIC Motor R&D Innovation Headquarters

“参会嘉宾层次高,内容组织周密,期待下一届!” —— 邦奇动力

Comprehensive Contents well organized,expecting next year — Punch Powertrain

“技术热点精准,交流氛围浓厚,沟通非常顺畅!” —— 费尼亚德尔福

Well organized smooth communication with Bilingual slides simultaneous interpretation — Phinia Delphi

注册通道,现已开启 | Registration Opening Now

抢先锁定席位,畅享行业最新前沿资讯!无论是参会、演讲还是产品展示,IAPS 2025都是一次不可错过的契机,让我们共同点燃科技的激情,见证未来动力系统的辉煌!

Secure your spot now enjoy exclusive access to the latest industry insights! Whether attending, speaking, or showcasing products, IAPS 2025 is an unmissable opportunity. Let’s ignite the passion for technology together witness the brilliance of future Propulsion systems!

更多详情请与我们联系For more details, Please Contact:

Steve Wu

Tel: +86 21-5988 5908

Email: Steve.wu@borscon.com | Steve.wu@bimi-auto.com


Join us, gather wisdom, shape the new future of automotive electrification together!

关于主办方 | About the Organizing Committee


BIMI-AUTO (Business Insights & Market Intelligence):



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