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北极星电力会展网 来源:北极星电力会展网 2015-10-22 11:27:21





公开信息显示,上海大众汽车分布式能源中心位于上海市嘉定区,分布式能源系统采用4个供能模块组合,每个供能模块包括1台MAN MGT6200燃气轮机发电机组、1台余热蒸汽锅炉及辅助配套设备,项目总发电装机容量26.5MW,同时每小时可产蒸汽量56t,综合能源利用率可达80%以上。


1. 全球与中国天然气分布式能源发展趋势

2. 分布式能源政策解读与“十三五”规划展望

3. 天然气分布式能源节能性与经济性

4. 天然气分布式项目商业模式及项目经验

5. 天然气分布式技术与设备选型——余热回收与燃气发电

6. 分布式能源并网政策与前景分析

7. LNG分布式供应体系的应用市场

8. 天然气分布式在“煤改气”工程的机遇

9. 天然气发电装备的国产化

10. “互联网+”分布式能源发展契机



China Natural Gas Distributed Energy Forum 2015 is coming soon, will arrange onsite visiting to Shanghai Volkswagen Distributed Energy Center

Natural gas distributed energy use natural gas as fuel, is an important complement to centralized power, which provide cold, heat, electricity, with advantages of high energy efficiency, energy conservation, advanced management system, reliable energy supply comprehensive benefits, etc. It has broad application prospects in the field of various types of industrial facilities, commercial complexes data centers.

In the growing energy dem, increasing pressure on energy conservation relevant national policies promotion, capacity of natural gas distributed energy projects growth rapidly in China since 2011. By the end of 2014, there are 104 natural gas distributed energy projects has built under construction in China, mainly in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou other large medium cities, with a total installed capacity of 3800MW.

In recent years, national local are gradually introduced support policy to encourage the development of natural gas distributed energy, electric power deepen reform, substantial increase in natural gas supply start of oil gas reform, have provided beneficial conditions for the development of natural gas distributed energy. In the next 5 years, China natural gas distributed energy will achieve more rapid development, thus produce strong dem for relevant technology equipment.

Under this background, the 2015 China Natural Gas Distributed Energy Forum will be organized by ASIACHEM in 3-4 Dec. 2015 in Shanghai, China. The conference will focus on the latest developments in China natural gas distributed energy industry development, forefront technology, policy interpretation, project layout, business models, market prospects demonstration projects construction, etc. The conference will also arrange onsite visiting to Shanghai Volkswagen Distributed Energy Center.

Public information display that Shanghai Volkswagen Distributed Energy Center located in Jiading District. The system combined with 4 energizing module, each module consist of 1 MAN MGT6200 gas turbine generator set, a heat recovery steam boiler auxiliary equipment, with total power generation capacity of 26.5MW, while steam production of 56t/h, comprehensive energy efficiency up to 80%.

The Following are the Topics:

1. Global China gas distributed energy development trends

2. Distributed energy policy interpretation "13-5" outlook

3. Energy saving economy of gas distributed project

4. Business model project experience of gas distributed energy

5. Gas distributed technology equipment selection - waste heat recovery gas power generation

6. Policy prospects for distributed energy connected to the grid

7. Applications market of LNG distributed energy supply system

8. Opportunities for gas distributed energy in "coal to gas" project

9. Gas power generation equipment localization

10. "Internet +" distributed energy development opportunity

As the conference is coming soon, would you please to confirm arrange the schedule for this event?

Contact: 021-50329699-115 or email to claire@chemweekly.com








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