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  • 举办时间:2012-08-23 ~ 2012-08-23
  • 举办地区:山东
  • 举办场馆:青岛
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2012中国锂电负极材料研讨会 会议背景 锂离子电池以其优秀的性能成为二次电池的主流发展方向。负极材料对锂电池的安全性、循环寿命和能量密度有重要影响。便携式电子设备增长驱动了对锂电池和负极材料的强劲需求。2011年全球锂电池负极材料市场规模约5亿美元,生产企业主要集中于日本和中国。 全球市场来看,锂电负极材料的主要种类有天然石墨(59%),人造石墨(30%),中间相炭微球(8%)及其他类型(3%);领先企业主要包括日立化成、贝特瑞、日本炭黑、JFE化学、三菱化学和杉杉科技等。 中国锂电池负极材料发展受到政府鼓励。国家发改委公布的《产业结构调整指导目录(2011年本)》鼓励发展中间相炭微球和钛酸锂等负极材料。《新材料产业“十二五”发展规划》提出,要推进石墨和钛酸盐类负极材料产业化,新增负极材料产能2万吨/年,并积极发展高纯石墨,提高锂电池用石墨负极材料质量。 “2012中国锂电负极材料研讨会”将于8月23-25日在青岛召开。会议将探讨国家“十二五”产业规划对锂离子电池及负极材料行业的影响,石墨供应现状与展望,不同类型负极材料的优劣分析,不同负极材料对锂电池安全性、能量密度、循环寿命的影响,新型负极材料的研究进展与应用,锂电池与负极材料的项目投资进展与市场前景分析等。 研讨会议题: 1. 国家产业规划对锂电池和负极材料行业的影响 2. 中国锂电池发展前景及负极材料需求 3. 石墨资源与负极材料生产布局 4. 不同类型负极材料优劣比较与发展潜力 5. 动力锂离子电池负极材料前景展望 6. 中国负极材料项目投资进展与产能分析 7. 锂电池新型负极材料的技术创新与研究进展 8. 锂电池及负极材料产业化基地建设与规划 9. 工业参观和考察 会议时间:2012年8月23日-25日 会议地点:青岛 联系方式: 联系人:黄小姐 电话:021-68726606-106 传真:021-51687888 手机:13764366386 电子邮件:huang#chemweekly.com(发送邮件请用@代替#) 欢迎同行业者前来咨询 2012 China LIB Anode Materials Conference Background Lithium-ion battery (LIB) has become the mainstream of rechargeable batteries for its outstanding performance. The anode material has significant impact on the safety, life cycle and energy density of LIB. As driven by the growth of portable electronic devices, the demand of LIB and anode materials is strong. In 2011, the global market of LIB anode materials is about USD 500 million; the producers are mainly concentrated in Japan and China. In global market, the LIB anode material mainly includes Natural Graphite (59%), Artificial Graphite (30%), Mesocarbon Microbeads (8%) and other types (3%); the leading producers including Hitachi Chemical, BTR, Nippon Carbon, JFE Chemical, Mitsubishi Chemical and Shanshan Tech etc. The LIB anode material development is encouraged by Chinese Government. National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) announced the , which encourages the development of Mesocarbon Microbeads (MCMB) and Lithium Titanate (LTO) anode materials. The announced that the Government will promote the graphite and titanates based anode materials; the new added anode materials production capacity will be 20,000 t/a by 2015, and the high-purity graphite will be positively developed and the quality of LIB graphite anode material will be improved. 2012 China LIB Anode Materials Conference will be held on Aug. 23-25 in Qingdao, China. The upcoming conference will discuss the national policies & planning and its impacts on LIB and anode materials; Graphite Resources & Anode Materials Production Layout; competitive analysis of Artificial, Natural Graphite, MCMB, LTO and other anode materials; different anode materials and their impacts on safety, energy density, life cycle of LIB; novel anode materials R&D updates and applications; LIB and anode materials projects update. Topics 1. National Policies & its Impacts on LIB & Anode Materials 2. China LIB & Anode Materials Demand Outlook 3. Graphite Resources & Anode Materials Production Layout 4. Different Anode Materials Comparison & Growth Potentials 5. Outlook of Anode Materials of Power Li-Ion Battery 6. China Anode Materials Projects Update & Analysis 7. Innovations of LIB Anode Materials 8. LIB & Anode Materials Industrial Park Construction & Planning 9. Onsite Visiting Cindy Huang Tel: 0086-21-68726606-106 Fax: 0086-21-51687888 Email: huang#chemweekly.com(If you want to email me,please use @ instead of #)




电 话:021-68726606-106

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邮 箱:huang@chemweekly.com


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