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2017年N型电池行业进展回顾/ ASIACHEM: 2017 N Type Cell Industry Progress Review

北极星光伏会展网 来源:北极星电力会展网 2017-10-31 10:15:53


N型电池主要包括N-PERT/N-PERL电池、IBC电池和异质结(HJT)电池等,是晶硅太阳电池迈向理论最高效率的希望。相比P型晶硅电池,N型晶硅电池具有少子寿命高,无光致衰减,弱光效应好,温度系数小等优点。ITRPV 2017预测N型硅片的市场占有率将持续增加,2019年超过10%,2027年将超过26%。


2017年2月,中来光电2.1GW N型单晶双面太阳能电池二期项目正式开工。该项目总投资16.5亿元,建设14条N型单晶双面太阳能电池生产线。一期1GW项目于2016年5月正式开工,2016年9月第一片N型单晶双面电池片顺利下线。中来光电N-PERT双面电池转换效率超过22%,背面电池效率大于19%;60片组件正面功率高达330W,背面功率有10%-30%的增益,组件综合输出功率最高可达380W。9月,中来光电自主研发的多款N型单晶组件成功通过CQC的单晶硅光伏组件“领跑者”1级认证。


2017年3月,德国弗劳恩霍夫太阳能系统研究所(Fraunhofer ISE)通过采用N型TOPCon技术,将多晶电池的效率提高到21.9%。




2017年8月,日本Kaneka公司将IBC与HJT技术结合在一起,研发的HBC结构的晶体硅电池(180cm2) 达到世界最高转换效率—26.63%,打破了该公司于2016年创造的26.33%的记录。




2017年3月,瑞士光伏设备制造商INDEOtec宣布,从沙特阿拉伯阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(KAUST)获得用于高效异质结太阳能电池的OCTOPUS II–PECVD/PVD沉积系统新订单。6月,INDEOtec又获得来自Fraunhofer ISE研究所的OCTOPUS II–PECVD/PVD沉积系统订单。


2017年8月, Amtech公告,其2017财年第三季度光伏新增销售订单额为5420万美元,该成绩主要来自于中国客户的双面N型技术整体生产线订单。

2017年10月,梅耶博格(Meyer Burger)证实从一家意大利光伏制造商处获得主要订单,向其提供异质结太阳能电池镀膜技术。该订单价值约合4560万美元,包括异质结电池镀膜系统HELiA平台的安装、现场培训与服务等,可实现200MW的电池年产量。据悉相关设备将于2018年中期起陆续交付,并预计在2019年初开始生产业务。

2017年10月,新格拉斯(Singulus)宣布,从中国和美国客户处获得新设备订单,包括其SILEX II湿式清洁批量处理系统,主要用于高效异质结太阳电池工艺。



2017年4月,光伏金属化浆料生产商贺利氏光伏在SNEC 2017上推出一系列新产品和服务,其中包含N型电池专用的9360系列金属化浆料。SOL9360A可适用于P+发射极N型电池,可确保良好的接触性能,并改善细线丝网印刷工艺的印刷适性。其极度精细的副栅线有助于实现0.1%的效率增益。此外,贺利氏光伏和梅耶博格将展开合作,推动适用于异质结光伏电池的金属化浆料的发展。



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ASIACHEM: 2017 N Type Cell Industry Progress Review


N type cell mainly includes N-PERT/N-PERL cell, IBC cell HJT cell etc., it is expecting towards the theoretical highest efficiency of c-Si solar cells. Compare with P type c-Si cell, N type c-Si cell has advantages of high minority carrier lifetime, no LID, good low-light effect small temperature coefficient etc. ITRPV 2017 estimates that, market share of N type silicon will continue increasing to more than 10% in 2019 more than 26% in 2027.

N type cell technology capacity expansion

In Feb 2017, Taizhou Jolywood 2.1GW N type mono-Si bifacial solar cell Phase-2 started construction. The project total investment is CNY 1.65bn, will construct 14 N type mono-Si bifacial solar cell production lines. Phase-1, 1GW Project, started construction in May 2016, first piece N type mono-Si bifacial solar cell successfully came off the assembly line in Sep 2016. Jolywood N-PERT bifacial solar cell transfer efficiency exceeds 22%, back side cell efficiency is more than 19%; 60-pc module front side power is as high as 330W, back side power has 10-30% gain, module comprehensive output power can reach 380W. In Sep., multi kinds of N type mono-Si modules independently R&D by Jolywood successfully passed CQC’s mono-Si PV module ‘Top Runner’ level-1 authentication.

In Feb 2017, China Intellectual Electric Power Technology Co.,Ltd. (CIE) HJT solar cell production line started installation. This production line is China first HJT solar cell production line, designed capacity is 160MW, currently the production line is under testing. Zhongzhi Power high efficiency HJT solar cell industrialization Phase-1 engineering project EIA shows that, the project total investment is CNY 2bn. After project is construction, high efficiency HJT solar cell high efficiency solar cell module’s capacity will reach 1GW.

In Mar 2017, Germany Fraunhofer ISE used N type TOPCon Technology increased multi-Si cell’s efficiency to 21.9%.

In Apr 2017, Jolywood signed 10GW N type IBC bifacial PV cell investment agreement with Quzhou, Zhejiang. The project total investment is estimated to be CNY 20bn. Phase-1, 3GW project, will start construction before end of 2017, investment is about CNY 6bn, plans to finish construction within 18 months after starts construction. In Jun, Jolywood M2 sized N type IBC cell transfer efficiency broke 23% reached 23.04%.

In May, 2017, Jinneng Group ultra high efficiency HJT cell module project put into operation. Jinneng Group 2GW HJT c-Si high efficiency PV cell module project total investment is CNY 5.6bn, construction by 2 phases. Among, Phase-1, 500MW project, started construction in 2016. Currently, Phase-1 has construction 100MW HJT cell module production line, cell highest efficiency exceeds 23%.

In May 2017, large area 6 inches IBC solar cell, which independent R&D by Trina Solar PV Science Technology National Key Laboratory, efficiency hit a historic high once again, reaches 24.13%, open circuit voltage exceeds 700mV.

In Aug 2017, Japan Kaneka Co. combined IBC HJT technology, R&D HBC structured c-Si cell (180cm2) reached 26.63%, world highest transfer efficiency, which breaks the record of 26.33%, created by the company in 2016.

In Aug 2017, Linyang PV first piece N type high efficiency mono-Si bifacial cell came off the assembly line successfully. Linyang PV 2GW high efficiency mono-Si bifacial cell module project started construction in Oct 2016, total investment is CNY 2bn construction by 3 phases. Currently, Phase-1 has entered trial production stage, Phase-2 Phase-3 project plan to implement in 2018 2019. What is more, Linyang PV successfully passed TüV Rheinl N type high efficiency bifacial solar cell module test recently.

In Aug 2017, International China Science Technology Cooperation Program ‘21% High Efficiency N Type Mono-Si Solar Cell Co-Development’, undertaken by Yingli, passed acceptance approval of MOST expert group successfully. The project was cooperated developed by Yingli NERCTE PI Berlin, using ion implantation technology silicon surface micro processing technology, realized more than 1% increase of N type mono-Si cell transfer efficiency, demonstration line cell efficiency reached 21.56%, solar cell bifacial power generation module (60-pc) reached more than 300W.

N type cell device

In Mar 2017, Swiss PV device manufacturer INDEOtec announced that, the company gained new order from KAUST, which would be used in high efficiency HJT solar cell’s OCTOPUS II – PECVD /PVD deposition system. In Jun, INDEOtech gained OCTOPUS II–PECVD/PVD deposition system order from Fraunhofer ISE.

In Jul 2017, Ideal Energy announced that, its PECVD device gained 2 clients’ 3 HJT mass production lines’ new orders. In Aug, Ideal Energy announced that its PECVD device gained 2 HJT mass production lines’ new orders.

In Aug 2017, Amtech released announcement, its 2017 Fiscal Year Q3 PV new increased sales order amount is USD 54.2M. This achievement mainly comes from bifacial N type technology whole production line orders from China clients.

In Oct 2017, Meyer Burger confirmed that it gained main orders from an Italian PV manufacturer, would provide it with HJT solar cell coating technology. The order valued about USD 45.6M, including installation of HELiA platform, HJT cell coating system, on-site training service etc., can realize 200MW’s cell annual output. It is reported that, related device will be delivered one after another from middle of 2018, estimates to start production business at the beginning of 2019.

In Oct 2017, Singulus announced that, it gained new device orders from clients from China the US, including its SILEX II wet cleaning batch processing systems, mainly using in high efficiency HJT solar cell technology.

In Oct 2017, HJT solar cell localization high-end device (sino-foreign JV) project signing ceremony was held in Taixing High-tech Zone, three parties of signing come from GCL (Group) Holdings, CIE Germany Singulus. The project’s signing plans to further promote HJT solar cell’s industrialization high-end device manufacturing’s localization.

N type cell metallization technology

In Apr 2017, PV metallization paste manufacturer Heraeus promoted a series of new products services on SNEC 2017, including 9360 series metallization paste, which special used for N type cell. SOL9360A is fit for P+ emitter electrode N type cell, it can guarantee good contact performance, improve fine wire screen printing’s printability. Its ultra fine fingers are benefit for realizing 0.1% efficiency gains, Besides, Heraeus Meyer Burger will launch cooperation, promote development of metallization paste which suits for HJT solar cell.

N type cell industry meeting

In Oct 2017, ASIACHEM, famous energy chemical industry research institute, announces that, will hold 2nd N Type c-Si Cell Bifacial Module Forum in Changzhou, Jiangsu on Dec 12. The upcoming conference will discuss PV industrial outlook & N-type solar cell & bifacial module market; N-type silicon wafer quality improvement & cost reduction outlook; N-PERT/N-PERL, HJT & IBC cells technology updates mass production; N-type cell performance improvement potential & cost reduction; N-type solar cell metallization process & advanced pastes; bifacial module system optimization real power generation benefits, etc.

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Miss Emma Kong

Tel: +86-21-68726606-102

Cell: +86-13918486381

Email: emma.k@chemweekly.com


Best Regards,

孔 亚琴

Emma Kong

Marketing Assistant

ASIACHEM  The Energy & Chemical Consultancy

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